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Writer's pictureAi Jerome (APD)

Sourdough Workshop no.2!

Welcome our newest sourdough bakers in Phuket! Today I had 9 keen bakers over, learning all about the benefits of sourdough for your gut health and also how to make thier very own sourdough for their family's at home.

Below: the timeline to explain the process. It looks complicated, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes routine!

For Lunch, I prepared a homemade Labne, cured for 18 hours.
One of our lovely workshoppers, Ellen, making sure the dough babies are rising and resting properly..

I spent the day before preparing 8 kgs of sourdouhg for our worksshoppers to take home a fresh loaf on the day of the workshop.


We had a lot of fun, sharing stories and learning the intracacies of baking sourdough.

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